Answers to questions you may have about our organization.
By going to the About tab and clicking on the Application Process page there you will find a few questions under Self Pre-screening. If you answer yes to all of these questions, then you qualify to move forward by filling out our application!
VA Dogs requires a copy of your VA Award/Benefit Letter, which shows your current service connection disability rating. We require proof of a service connection rating that totals at least 50%.
Yes you must present a valid Texas Driver’s License with your current address listed.
Upon receiving a fully completed application we will contact you to discuss the things you need a service dog to help you with. You will then be placed on a list of eligible applicants. If you have any questions call Sarah Kocurek, our Veteran Liaison @ 830-353-9197.
We do not train a pet of a disabled Veteran to become a service dog because the training process requires the dog to be in our care for up to 6 months, and we have no way of evaluating the dog. Our experienced trainers take approximately 2 weeks to assure a dog qualifies as a candidate for a service dog.
Kill shelters, animal humane societies and on rare occasions we accept dogs donated from professional breeders that we know and trust. Sorry, we don’t take dogs from individuals.
Our dogs are usually trained in a home environment which can be 1 of 2 places. One is the home of the trainer, the other is at Hill Country Dog Center where they are kenneled.
Highly qualified trainers who are Veterans themselves. The training facility is located at Hill Country Dog Center.
Usually 4 to 6 months.
We do not accept dogs from individuals regardless of their breed.
Yes, we can do it through a memorial for a loved one or we can work with an organization that wants to sponsor a dog for a known Veteran or a Veteran that resides anywhere you choose as long as it is in the great state of Texas. If you have any questions call Larry Pottridge @ 830-354-7601.
Yes we do, but because of our uniqueness we usually use those Veterans that have received a service dog from us. Merely because of their experience in handling and caring for a service dog. We also use professional kennel masters to care for our dogs while in training.
No, we use dogs that we rescue or on rare occasions if we have space we do accept qualified dogs from a few professional breeders that we know and trust.
Yes, most deductions under $250 don’t require an acknowledgement letter (receipt) from us unless they are part of other contributions totaling $250. For donations over $250 we will send an acknowledgement letter shortly after receiving the donation for the tax year we received the donation in.
We are able to use the entire amount of individual donations towards the service dogs we provide to disabled Veterans and towards any of the expenses the Veterans we serve may incur during their training to become a dog handler.